Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 10th

 I knew this would come, but I hope it wouldn't. This week I haven't lost any weight, so I guess it's time to adjust what I am doing. I have with my workouts, well sort of. On Monday I did the full sweatin to the oldies 3 and added 2 songs from #2, then Tuesday I did #3 and 4 songs from #2, then on Wednesday I did both workouts excluding 1 of the warm ups from 2. Thursday I didn't work out because I went to watch Jake perform in the talent show. Friday I had a very rough day, I am not sure why but I felt horrible all day. I only made it through 45 minutes of my workout. Then yesterday, after getting Jake off to prom, I did the full #3, but that's it. I will try to add to it tonight. The next few weeks are a little crazy for us, so I am not sure how much I will get done.

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