Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th Weigh In

  This week has been so trying for me. I haven't felt my best, but I have pushed through it. I haven't taken a day off from exercising at all. I have worked hard, but my diet hasn't been the best. It was the last week in the month, so it was eat whatever we had in the house. I have also been very stressed all week due finances.

  I was surprised to step on the scales and I had lost 3 pounds! However, I measured my waist this morning and it said I gained an inch, but I think it's because it's that time of the month. One thing that I did yesterday that really showed my weight loss is I got back into a pair of shorts I have been hanging on to for a about 5 years, and the fit, granted they were tight but they fit! I also tried on 2 pair of pants I bought a few months ago that were size 16, they were very snug but they buttoned and zipped. I had bought them because I had started losing weight and they were cheap.

Here is the scale this morning. I know weigh 213. I am so proud of myself!!!

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