Tuesday, February 4, 2014


 Today my body wanted to play lets drop everything you touch. I just didn't have any grip what so ever. Sometimes this really pisses me off because it makes me look like an idiot. I have also had around 5 dizzy spells while at work. This really scares me. I don't want to pass out and scare a bunch of little kids. I have never passed out before and hope it never happens.

Any how, my plan to do the slimfast diet is annoying but I am hopeful. In the few days since I started this I have lost 1 lb. I haven't been able to do much of any exercise. My left hip is still really killing me. Between work and running around by the end of the night I am in a lot of pain. I have been doing my sit ups though. I am hoping this pain will go away and I can get back to doing some cardio.

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