Sunday, February 23, 2014

This Weeks Check In

 Lets just start with what the scale said. I lost another 2 lbs this week. That's 6 lbs. in almost a month. Now lets see what I can do without the slimfast. Today was my first day without it and I think I did pretty good, so far.

 I haven't done very well with the working out this week. I got in 2 days of Sweatin to the Oldies 4. It was a very long week between my lovely student, no pain meds, and all the sneezing.

  Because of the unseasonable weather, all the trees and plants think it's spring and are all in full bloom. It's driving me crazy. For a person without chiari this can be very bothersome, but for us chiarians it 10 times worse. Any amount of sneezing or coughing makes our headaches a lot worse. This weeks it's been even harder for me due to the doctor's office not getting back to the pharmacy about my tramadol refill. My whole body aches. Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment to get into the doctor for a depo medrol shot to hopefully help my allergies. I will also talk to her about my pain med. I think it might be easier to get it refilled rather than keep calling, it's not getting me anywhere.

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