Sunday, March 2, 2014

Check In

 All together since getting serious about this again, I have lost 9 lbs. That's in about 5 weeks now. I am very proud of myself. Mind you I have not exercised every single day, but about 4 days this last week, doing the whole Sweatin to the Oldies 3 dvd (56 minutes). I love that workout better than any of his other workout videos. Along with working out I have been watching everything I eat, and keeping the calories down along with the carbs. It hasn't been easy at all because I love food!

 The couple of days I didn't workout it was due to pain and exhaustion. I have had to cut back on my pain med (tramadol) because my wonderful doctor all of a sudden cut the amount I get by half. She did that without telling me, I am still waiting for her to call back. I will be calling her again tomorrow to see if I get a response.

 Someone asked why I never posted a pic of myself. Well, I hate taking pictures, but I will be nice and post the latest.
I am sure the person meant a full pic but this is the only one I have right now.

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