Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 10 of the 30 Day Crunch Challenge

 I was so very shocked when I stepped on the scales this morning. According to the scale I lost 4 lbs. this week! That brings my weight loss so far to 18 lbs. I have also lost 2 inches around my waist, I am now have a 42 inch waist. I totally don't understand it because I have not eaten very well this week due to a lot of stress. Jake made chocolate chip cookies and to be honest I ate 4 of them after they came out of the oven. Other food choices haven't been the best either. I am however continuing to do my workouts.

 I have given Sweatin to the Oldies 2 another chance. I have even been doing all the floor work too. It includes a lot of crunches/sit ups adding up to approximately 64 or more, my mind has forgotten even though I counted them during the workout. I have again started the crunch challenge, I am up to day 10, which is 65 crunches. I find that pretty easy because I can do 50 without stopping.

 Something I would like to share is a picture. I put on a blouse I bought about a year ago, it fit just fine then. I put it on and I was almost swimming in it. It makes me so happy to put on my clothes and notice the difference, it also makes me sad to think how am I going to afford new clothes. But, I will figure it out somehow.

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