Monday, June 24, 2013


I woke up feeling somewhat better than yesterday. I didn't sleep until noon and I got some laundry done today. I am dealing with some nausea but I did let that keep me down.

One thing I really hate about Chiari besides all the pain, is the forgetfulness. I mean when I was in school I was an excellent student. I could remember any phone number you needed me too. I excelled in school I never got below a B in any subject where English being my best and favorite. I am at a point now that I can't remember anything. I can sit here for over an hour trying to remember how to spell a simple word, like the other night I could not for the life of me remember how to spell quiet. I finally used the word silent instead. I do that all the time, change whole sentences to use a different word. Let me tell you I don't know what I'd do without spell check. On with my work out!

Today I don't how but I made it through my 100, yes that was 100, crunches. No I did not do them all at once. I am doing them in 3 different ways so I don't kill my self. I did 25 regular crunches, 25 reverse crunches, then I waited about an hour(only because Troy was asleep in the living room and didn't want to disturb him) then I did 50 with his AB thingy. Tonight I did only 20 minutes, 4 miles, and 400 calories burnt. I didn't think I was going to make it through that because my hip has really been bugging me today. But I did push through it and did get the 20 minutes.

As far as eating I had some honey nut cheerios this morning, and 2 perogies tonight, I don't feel like eating today.

I have decided I would have a weigh in on Sunday's so I don't drive myself crazy with the scale.

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