Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dizzy and Off Balance

Tonight I had to stop riding my bike just after 18 minutes...why? I got so dizzy and off balance that I almost fell off the bike. This is the first time this has happened on the bike. My dizziness and balance issues have been getting much worse lately. I almost fell over at my sister's house last night, thank goodness the walls in the hallway were there to catch me. I am unsure if it's my high blood pressure, or my chiari, or a combination of both.

But anyway I did 18 minutes on the bike. I also got in 50 crunches last night before bed ( around 2 am), I will do the same tonight before bed.

I don't think I will be getting any sleep for a while since I have no sleep aide. I tried 10 mg of melatonin along with benadryl last night and neither put me to sleep.

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