Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back On The Bike

I have been meaning to get back on my bike to see if I could jump start the weight loss again. I wasn't losing any so I thought I would try a few different things to see I my body needed a change. Even a month of aerobics did nothing for me. So, tonight I thought I would climb back on my stationary bike and give it ago.

I was surprised that I could actually make it a whole 30 minutes. What helps me forget about the time is being on fb or games while riding. Besides the batteries are dead on the part of the bike that keeps track of everything and I didn't have any of that size in the draw.

After my bike I did 20 sit-ups/crunches. Now hopefully this will get me somewhere.

The bad part is I am broken out in hives because of sweating and bringing up my body temp.

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