Monday, January 6, 2014

I Need Sleep!!!

I think the thing I really hate about chiari is the insomnia. Most of the time I will only get one good night sleep every 2 to 3 months, other than that I am lucky to get 3 hours a night. Well, the last few nights have been horrible! I have only gotten about 3 hours in the last 2 days. I am not sure if the pharmacy switching my ambien to the generic version has caused my extreme insomnia or my symptoms are just increasing.

I also have experienced something new. The other day while driving, all of sudden my head and behind my eyes felt like it was filling up with air. My face wasn't swollen but it felt like it was. Then having the vertigo the other day.

I started back to work today after being off for the last 2 weeks for winter break. All I can say is I am totally exhausted. I did however manage to get in 20 minutes on the bike. Before bed I will get in my crunches too. Last night I did 40 crunches and 20 reverse crunches. I think I am back on this exercise mode. Now hopefully I will see some weight or inches come off.

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