I woke up in so much pain from my new workout yesterday. I guess that's a good thing because I must have done something right...right?
Today at work I was on my feet and out in the heat from 7:15 am to 1:00 pm. I was trying to convince my student to go in and sit in his seat, but he had other things on his mind, like keeping me outside and moving. By the time I got home my feet and knees were swollen, I am sunburned, a bad headache, and nauseous(I can't tolerate the heat very well at all and it happened to be over 100 degrees here again today.
On a good note the doctor's office finally got back to the pharmacy. Today after over a week I finally got all my meds. Maybe now I can get this pounding in my head under control, my bladder, my acid reflux, and pain.
I really wish for once a doctor could live in our shoes. Maybe then they wouldn't wait over a week to refill medication that helps us function, or actually prescribe something that actually works.
While I am on a bitching rant tonight. I really wish people who have gastric bypass wouldn't give anyone suggestions on how to lose weight. Especially when that person is trying to do it the hard way, and has a medical condition. Seriously, you cheated! You had surgery!
Another thing lately is that I wish my family or someone who is suppose to care would really listen. Instead if I mention how I feel(especially when they ask) they change the subject quickly without saying I am sorry, or how can I help. Instead of talking about some stupid ass game! Really, they get mad when they ask how I am and I reply I fine, but when I really tell them they don't seem to care. I am sorry but I am worn out, stressed, and haven't slept in over a month, well more than 2 hours in a night and that's not a straight 2 hours.
Some chiari facts tonight: Did you know things like coughing, sneezing, and yes even laughing can make a chiari headache 10 times worse?
I got to complaining to much I forgot to mention that I didn't do the full 7 minute workout due to my swollen feet but I did do crunches, wall sit, and wall push ups.
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