I know it's been a few days since I have posted. I have been questioning why the hell I am doing this. Why am I doing this to myself and is this all worth it just to be thinner. I am putting my body in so much pain it isn't funny any more. Between work that is exhausting, all these headaches, and all the stress I wake up every morning in so much pain. Lately it seems like every day is getting worse. I don't sleep any more between insomnia, and sever muscle spasms I can't think straight any more. I started taking magnesium for the leg cramps and upped the amount of water I drink but the spasms are just getting worse. I have been doing less and less workout time. I don't know if it's worth all the tears it's putting me through. I am not saying I am quitting this weight loss journey but I know I need to cut back to keep my sanity. I really need to get through this rough patch or in chiari talk flare up.
I am looking forward to having my MRI Monday and then making an appointment with the neurosurgeon to see if he has answers. I want to see if he can truly help me before I go totally insane.
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