I was surprised when I had stepped on the scale I hadn't gained any weight. I thought for sure after a week of not a lot of workouts and a lot of stress I would have gained 5 lbs. However I didn't lose any either and my measurements are the same. I am at a stand still. I don't think that 7 minute workout was for me. I thought I would search my apps and find something new and that might motivate me. I found one that I like so far. It's called daily workout, it has 6 things to choose from, ab, arm, butt, cardio, leg, and full. You can also choose if you want to do 5 minutes, 8, or a 10 minute workout. Today while laying in bed watching the Giants beat the Dodgers again I decided to try it. I started with the ab one, the hard part on this was the last exercise of planks. I then tried leg workout it was pretty good. I did the 5 minutes on both of them. It also tells you what exercises it will be doing with that workout. Tomorrow I will pick 2 of the other ones to try. I can keep the variety up and choose how long I want to spend or can do each day. Then eventually try the full workout. I typed in free workouts and it was the first one/ It's called Daily Workout Free. It has stick people in different color pieces, pink, red, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
Chiari fact for tonight,
After Surgery
This operation may take about 3 to 5 hours. You may spend the night of surgery in the intensive care unit. When you are stable, you will be moved to a general care floor for a total stay of about 3 to 5 days.
It is best to avoid coughing, lifting, and straining for the next 3 months. If you should become sick with a severe cough during this time, a doctor may prescribe a cough medicine. You and your doctor will decide when you should return to work.
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