Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weigh In September 1st

I was really worried about stepping on that scale this morning with the way I have been eating. But I guess it wasn't all bad. I haven't lost anything but I didn't gain any. My waist and hips are the same, but I haven't been doing any crazy crunch/ab workouts, but maybe I should.

Tonight I helped Jake wash the steer. Then I came home and did 20 minutes on my bike. I also did 60 crunches tonight. Hopefully I am back on the right track.

Today kicks off Chiari Awareness month. So here is a pick of the difference between a regular brain and a chiari brain. Some doctors feel that this size of the herniation makes a difference in the pain, but in reality size doesn't matter. Someone with a 1 mm herniation may have more pain and symptoms than someone with a 14 mm herniation. Mine is at 7 mm, on my last mri.

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