Friday, September 13, 2013

Thank God it's Friday 9/13/13

I am so happy this long week is over with and I have the weekend it recuperate. I am totally exhausted physically and emotionally. All I can say is that June needs to get here fast so this year can be over. I am sure it's going to drag out and seem like it will never get here.

Again today I was on my feet most of the day. My feet are so swollen they hurt to walk on them. I also forgot to put my meds into my lunch bag today. I had to wait until I got home and by then everything hurt 10x times more.

After resting for a while I did manage 15 minutes on my bike and 40 crunches. I didn't think I could make it through the 7 minute work out but I could be off my feet while riding the bike.  Here are a couple of pics of my feet.

I seriously don't know how much longer I can go on like this without really hurting myself. I wish I had a better education so I could have a cushy job in so office and only had to get up when I need to, not have to.

I was sad that I had to call and cancel my neurosurgeon appointment for Tuesday but I haven't gotten my approval for my new MRI. He doesn't want to see my until I have that.

Chiari facts for tonight
During Surgery

A small amount of hair on the back of your head is shaved.  An up and down incision is made from the middle of the neck to the back of your head.  After more room is made for the back of the brain, the tissue cover of the brain (dura) is stitched together.  A dural patch graft is used which may come from your own tissue or from a man-made patch (Gore-Tex). 

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