Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 16

So I have been at my sister's house since Monday. Of course all of you might know it's hard doing a weight loss thing when you are at someone else's house. I have controlled the amount of food I put in my mouth. I finished day 15 of my last challenge. I stopped it here because I realize there was no way I could have done all 30 days of it. I do plan on starting back at day 1 then maybe adding a day or two. Today was a rest day. It was impossible to do the bike since there isn't one here. I do plan on walking on the beach a time or two before I leave.

Having chiari and staying with someone can be bad. The tv is always too loud, and just a lot of other things I have no control over. My headaches have been really bad with the noise and overcast. I love the cooler weather but it hates my head. But of course I will just suck it up and do what I have to do, especially since I am the maid of honor.

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