Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 2 of New Challenge

Due to my lack of balance yesterday I ended up on my butt on the kitchen floor. This was not the first time this has happened. But , I am just fine. I have had this stupid headache for 3 days now and I don't see much relief in sight. I am also in need of some sleep. I may have gotten 8 hours of sleep in the last week, but would love one night of a straight 5 hours. Is that asking too much?

After watching my nephew playing baseball tonight Jake and I treated ourselves to a $5.00 pizza. We haven't done that in a long time, I have to say it tasted pretty darn good.

I did accomplish pushing myself to 25 minutes, 5 miles, and 500 calories burnt on my stationary bike.  I also did my 20 sit ups, 8 crunches, 8 leg lifts, and a 10 second plank. Speaking of which I thought the paper said 10 planks, but after printing it out(I have to do so I can mark off what day I have done) I noticed it said 10s. I looked it up further and it means second. You know how dumb I felt. Oh well I did it all!

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