Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weigh in 7/27/13

It has been a very busy last few days. Preparing for my sister's wedding then the wedding yesterday. I don't think we actually ate much at all the last few day. She also rented a beautiful house for the wedding but it had too many stairs! I bet I climbed stairs 30 times a day, mostly chasing kids out of the upstairs bedrooms. They like to play in things and we didn't want them up there. Of course there are people out there that just do not watch their kids. Rant over...maybe!

There are no scales here and I can't find a tape measure. I am sure I haven't gained any weight because my clothes are still big on me. I will have to do all that on Wednesday when I get home.

All the stair climbing, being on my feet constantly, and not sleeping at all for 2 days have really killed my body. My legs are very weak, my back is killing me, and not to mention this horrible headache.

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