Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 5

It has been 1 very long day. I woke up at 5:30 this morning( after falling to sleep around 3 am) and could not go back to sleep. The dog was begging me to go back to bed. Then I cleaned the kitchen and the front porch. I ended up wrestling with my 12 year old nephew who weighs around 140 lbs. Not by choice, something happened.

I helped Jake cook dinner and cleaned my sister's kitchen, I always clean after dinner, it's my OCD. Then out to the farm to feed the steer(we did that this morning to). Then I had to put gas in before I ran out, I always put it off until I have too, I will regret this one day.

I started off with my bike doing 20 minutes tonight, 4 miles, and 400 calories burnt. Hopefully that will take care of the little souffle my son made for dessert. I then finished day 5 of this new challenge, 30 situps, 12 crunches, and 12 leg lifts. It called for a 20 second plank but I can manage 5 seconds. Now I am exhausted!

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