Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weigh In 7/7/13

Today was finally the end to this whole crazy challenge. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever done but I stuck with it and did every painful crunch. Today on the last day was 150 of the things. I did do 20 minutes on my bike to today.

I just got off the scales and in the month I have been doing this I have lost 5 pounds, 6 inches off my waist and 6 inches off my hips!!! I am proud of myself and will not give up on this weight loss thing. I probably won't do another one of those 30 day challenges, but I will keep up with my bike and maybe some crunches and other forms of exercise.

Here is something I said and showed to Henry the other day, I said look I actually have a waist now, it's not even with my hips. It's the little things that make me happy I guess. The only thing I will have to figure out if I loose too much weight is how I am going to buy new clothes, but I guess I will figure it out some how.

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