Last night was yet another sleepless night. So what do I do when I can't sleep? I usually watch some tv, when bored with that then, fb/candy crush on my phone, and for the last few months I work with my elastic bands. I am trying to keep my legs and arms from getting to weak. So at 2 this morning I used my bands and did some leg lifts.
Today I got laundry done, vacuumed, mopped, and not much else. Oh I did 50 crunches while watching Dr. Phil. Cooked dinner, then usual at the farm while Jake was walking/working with his steer. I swept up the hay and other stuff at there, and then brushed the bull. When we first started out there this year the bull was very mean and slammed his head against the gate when I walked up there. Now he comes running and moos until I brush him.
I came home and did my 20 minutes on my bike. Altogether a pretty good day. I have to admit I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I just don't know how I am going to handle a student I have to get physical with(moving him/removing him from class) he's a very big 10 year old.
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