Saturday, August 10, 2013

Short ride

Tonight I only did a 15 minute bike ride but at 2 this morning I did 40 crunches and 30 leg lifts.

It's been a long day doing much of nothing. I did manage to fold some laundry and put it away. We went to my sister's tonight for dinner. Dakota and Jake made a chicken pasta dish. Afterwards we all sat on the floor to make our signs to take to the SF Giants game tomorrow. I think I sat way to long on the floor because I barely made it up. My hips were killing me. After that was out to the farm so Jake could work with his steer. While we was doing that I cleaned up the hay, I looked over and noticed that 3 of the pigs out there some how got out of their pins, but thankfully they were still in the walk way which is fenced off. I got them back in pens, I am not sure if it was the ones they belonged in but they were in a pin.

So this is why I was only able to get do 15 minutes on my bike. I am exhausted and hope I sleep some before the long drive and day at AT&T park.

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