Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8/27/13 Last Post

This may be my last post. I am probably being to sensitive but some people are just mean. Believe me I am not doing this for attention. I am also actually doing everything I have posted. I am not just being a fat lazy person making people think I am working out and not doing it. I guess I take things seriously and it hurts when someone is just cruel. In my mind if I don't blog then mean people can't make cruel remarks that I keep having to get rid of. Like every decision I have made in my life this seems like another bad one. I just intended to not only educate people on this disease and show myself I can actually lose weight. I din't do it to be made fun or bullied, I had enough of that through school.

Tonight I did do 32 minutes and little over 6 miles on my bike.

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