Friday, August 16, 2013

Pain, Pain, and More Pain

I pretty much know that I must have pulled something in my side/back a few days ago. Today I haven't been able to move without having horrible pain. I think I aggravated it even more with all of the crunches I have been doing. Every time I move it's so bad I am in tears. So I have decided to take today and maybe tomorrow off of my workouts to see if it gets better. I have taken more ibuprofen and tramadol then prescribed today. If it doesn't get any better I may be asking my sister for something stronger. I didn't sleep at all last night because with every move it hurt so bad. I even took a hot bath last night at midnight. It didn't help much and I tried that tonight too. I really don't believe this is a chiari thing, but from turning the wrong way while lifting my cast iron skillet.

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